Future undergraduate students

Mennonite congregation

The Mennonite Archives of Ontario has partnered with the Hunsberger family to create a photo exhibit featuring a select number of David L. Hunsberger's iconic photos. Almost 5,700 of his images were donated to the Archives in 2005. 

Ziauddin Yousafzai will share his experiences as a teacher in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. As the father of Malala, the co-recipient of the 2014 Peace Nobel Prize, he knows the impact of violence and oppression. Hear about how her story has inspired girls to seek education and learn about the needs of peace curriculum in the context of unrest and injustice.

Let's Advance Peace Together

Join us Sunday, September 21, 2014 for an interactive community celebration for all ages at the new MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement!

Please bring a peace "offering" - something that represents peace for you. Together, we'll build a work of art!