Peace Innovators Scholarship & Mentoring Program

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Be a peace innovator. 

The Peace Innovators Scholarship & Mentoring Program equips young leaders like you with skills to tackle a problem you’re passionate about in your community. You will network with other leaders in high schools across Ontario, and by the end of one year, you will launch an event or campaign to address your cause.


Eligibility and application details

Read more about our 2023/24 cohort in this article. Applications for 2024/25 are open until Friday 7th June 2024.

Individuals or teams of two people were eligible to apply. $250 in seed funding will be given to every team member participating in the program.

Program details:

  • A kick-off retreat to learn about implementing peace ideas in your school or community (in Waterloo, Ontario at Conrad Grebel University College*)
  • Funding to kick-start your Innovation Plan for the year
  • Mentorship from a mentor in your community and The Ripple Effect Education (TREE)
  • Connecting with a group of amazing students working for peace
  • An additional $250 personal scholarship upon successful completion of the program
  • A final Showcase at Conrad Grebel University College* to highlight your accomplishments and share about  learning opportunities

*Students are responsible for arranging travel to/from the kick-off retreat and final showcase in Waterloo, Ontario. We encourage students to arrange for their own travel. If travel costs would prohibit a student’s participation, financial support will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

3 logos of supporting agencies