Tuesday, February 1, 2022 12:30 pm
2:00 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)

Join the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship on Tuesday 1st Feb 2022 at 12:30 PM EST for the first Map the System workshop assisting participants in "Framing Your Problem". Register to attend.
This is an optional workshop which will support both participants who have already registered for the competition, or who are considering registering.
The topics that will be covered in the workshop are as follows:
- Sharing guidance and tips on identifying systemic problems.
- Defining a problem statement as a basis for your MTS project.
- Selecting a project with a focus that is neither too broad nor too narrow.
- How previous participants approached this process.
- Opportunity for feedback and discussion through collaborative discussions.
- Q&A.
Please note:
- Attendance is free but you must register in advance via Eventbrite.
- The link to access the online event will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours before the event, and a reminder on the day of the event.
- The session will be recorded.