Signs of Peace: A Retrospective of Peace Posters

Featuring over 50 posters from organizations and initiatives connected to the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement, this pop-up exhibit encourages viewers to reflect on the messaging and design work that goes into inspiring peace action.
The exhibit, curated by Paul Heidebrecht, draws on formal and informal collections, including the archives of Mennonite Central Committee, Project Ploughshares and Conrad Grebel University College. It confronts themes of war, weapons, displacement, hunger, justice and hope.
Printed posters are on the decline while virtual images of peace are more plentiful and diverse than ever. In an era of abundant digital images, what do we remember - and what can we learn - from this genre of peace communication?
Location Information
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON, CA N2L 3G6