Two Epp Peace Incubator participants win The Spark Intiative award

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

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The Spark Initiative – a Canadian granting and mentoring program for up and coming faith-inspired social innovators – announced its list of nine finalists yesterday. Last year, Epp Peace Incubator member Marlena Books was awarded support through the Spark Initiative and, this year, two Epp Peace Incubator members will receive this support. The Ripple Effect Education (TREE), run by founder Katie Gingerich, and Growing Hope Farm, founded and directed by Sarah Martin Mills, will each receive support in the form of $10,000 and ongoing mentorship in order to grow their initiatives throughout the upcoming year.

Learn more about The Spark Initiative and the finalists by reading Stronger Philanthropy's recent news release. Stronger Philanthropy provides back end support for The Spark Initiative program.