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Nandita Basu

Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences; Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Global Water Sustainability and Ecohydrology

Nandita Basu studies the role humans play in modifying water availability and quality through changing land use and climate, providing innovative solutions to water sustainability challenges. Her research interests include contaminant fate and transport, watershed biogeochemistry and land use change, environmental and ecosystem hydrology, ecosystem (including wetland) restoration, human impacts on the environment, and water resource sustainability.

Chris Bauch

Professor, Applied Mathematics; University Research Chair

Chris Bauch's research centers on applying mathematics to real-world problems in infectious diseases, ecology, human-environment systems, behaviour, and sustainability. His study systems include forest-grassland ecosystem mosaics, forest pest infestations, childhood vaccine scares, and influenza vaccination, among others.

David Clausi

Professor, Systems Design Engineering; Associate Dean, Research & External Partnerships

David Clausi's research interests lie in computer vision, digital image processing, pattern recognition, remote sensing systems, sports analytics, sea ice monitoring, artificial intelligence, machine learning, satellite imagery and signal processing.

Peter Crank

Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Management

Peter Crank's research seeks to address questions of modelling urban spaces to understand the impact urban climate mitigation strategies have on the thermal environment as well as on all facets of human health (from physical heat stress to psychological disorders). His research team uses physical and applied climatology skills, data analytics, computer science, and instrumentation to study the impacts of a changing climate on individuals and the local environment.

Kyle Daun

Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Kyle Daun, an expert in radiative transfer and optical diagnostics, is helping the Canadian oil and gas sector deploy spectroscopic techniques for quantifying methane emissions. His work focuses on optical gas imaging using infrared cameras and hyperspectral imaging.

Hans De Sterck

Professor, Applied Mathematics

Hans De Sterck studies ​large-scale scientific computing, multilevel numerical linear algebra methods, numerical methods for PDEs, novel platforms for scientific computing including GPUs and clouds, and computational fluid dynamics.

Tonya DelSontro

Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tonya DelSontro’s research focus is to advance our understanding of how human activities and climate change alter aquatic carbon cycles and greenhouse gas budgets. She integrates field-based system analyses and experimental laboratory work to define and predict anthropogenic impacts on freshwater systems’ greenhouse dynamics from local and regional to global scales.

Christine Dow

Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; Canada Research Chair

Christine Dow's research focuses are glacial hydrology, ice dynamics, subglacial hydrology modelling, surging glaciers, Antarctic ice shelf stability, geophysical analyses of subglacial systems, and in situ data collection from Yukon glaciers.

Claude Duguay

Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; University Research Chair

Claude Duguay's main research interests are in the areas of Arctic hydro-climatology, lake/cryosphere-atmosphere interactions, remote sensing, and numerical modeling. He is the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change.

Amr ElAlfy

Assistant Professor, School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development

Amr ElAlfy studies deep decarbonization strategies and sustainability transitions for corporations and municipalities. He also works on Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) frameworks by utilizing various modelling and observation techniques to better understand climate patterns and their impacts on the environment and society.

Chris Fletcher

Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Chris Fletcher's research interests are climate modelling, dynamics and change, extratropical teleconnections and seasonal-to-decadal climate variability, land-ocean-atmosphere interaction, and snow albedo feedback.

Grant Gunn

Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Management

Grant Gunn's research interests aim to improve the retrievals of physical components of the Cryosphere, including permafrost (active layer thickness, timing of thaw/refreeze) and ice parameters in sub-Arctic and Arctic environments. His research applies emerging technologies including: airborne/spaceborne synthetic aperture radar, high-performance cloud computing (ex. Google Earth Engine), interferometry, polarimetric decomposition, thermodynamic modeling, and the collection of field variables to validate these remote observations. 

Roland Hall

Professor, Biology

Roland Hall studies aquatic ecology, paleolimnology and multivariate statistics to assess effects of multiple stressors (nutrients, acidification, climate change, river regulation, species invasions) on lakes, wetlands and reservoirs.

Brian Kendall

Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Redox-Sensitive Metal Isotope Geochemistry (Tier 2)

Professor Kendall uses geochemistry to:
develop innovative geochemical methods that can serve as process tracers for petroleum systems, ore mineralization, and biogeochemical cycles;
learn more about how mineral and petroleum deposits form and improve exploration strategies for these important resources;
reconstruct the history of atmosphere and ocean oxygenation through time and its relationship to biological evolution, seawater chemistry and natural resource deposits.

Kevin Lamb

Professor, Applied Mathematics

Kevin Lamb's focuses are nonlinear waves, internal gravity waves and surface water waves, hydrodynamic instabilities and mixing, physical oceanography and limnology, coupling of hydrodynamic and bio-geochemical processes in lakes, and computational fluid dynamics.

Ellsworth LeDrew

Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Geography and Environmental Management

Ellsworth LeDrew's focuses are climate-cryosphere interactions using passive microwave imagery and numerical climate models, and data management, discovery and archiving for Polar Environmental Science.

Quinn Lewis

Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Management

Quinn Lewis' research broadly focuses on the process-form interactions of rivers, geomorphology, and water resources. Additionally, his research leverages state-of-the-art technology to improve our understanding of dynamic and interrelated physical processes and landforms.

Jonathan Li

Professor, Geography and Environmental Management

Jonathan Li's research focuses on multispectral and SAR remote sensing, laser scanning (or LiDAR), object-based image analysis, 3D urban modeling and spatial analysis, terrain analysis in hydrogeography, and geomatics solutions to disaster management.

Plinio Morita

Associate Professor, School of Public Health Sciences

Plinio Morita studies population-level surveillance using IoT data, mHealth and wearable technology design, ubiquitous sensors for smart homes, usage data and health data analytics, precision medicine, and technology for aging.

Linda Mortsch

Climate Change Specialist, Faculty of Environment; Senior Researcher, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Linda Mortsch's focuses are the impacts of climate change on water resources and wetlands in Canada, climate change scenario development, and "effective" communication of climate change information.

Maren Oelbermann

Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability; Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies

Maren Oelbermann's research interests include climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and ecosystem nitrogen dynamics; the impact of climate change on plant and soil ecosystems; permaculture, biochar, biomass plantations; restoration of marginal lands; and stable isotope techniques, modeling.

Zhao Pan

Assistant Professor

Zhao Pan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo and the Principal Investigator of the Interdisciplinary Fluid Physics Lab - Pan Lab. Prior to joining Waterloo, he worked at Utah State University and Florida Center for Advanced Aero-propulsion (FCAAP, FSU) as a postdoctoral fellow. His research interests span from fundamental fluid physics (e.g., jets, bubbles, droplets, and cavitation), micro/bio-fluids, to advanced fluid flow diagnostics. Most of his studies are driven by curiosity and serve both academia and the community with creative ideas and broader social impact.

Omar Ramahi

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Omar Ramahi's research interests are radiating systems, theoretical and computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic compatibility, interference and electronic packaging, biomedical applications of electromagnetics, photonics, material measurements, antennas, microwaves and photonics, medical imaging, scanning, energy harvesting/bio-energy, renewable energy, sensors and devices, and wireless communications/networking.

Armaghan Salehian

Associate Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Armaghan Salehian’s research interests include smart materials for sensing-actuation and energy harvesting applications, vibrations and dynamics, cable-harnessed structures modal and vibrations analysis, vibrations and control of space structures, inflatable space structures dynamic analysis, and UAV payload design for sea ice and soil moisture measurements using GNSS reflectometry to monitor climate change.

Andrea Scott

Associate Professor, Systems Design Engineering; Associate Chair

Andrea Scott's research focuses include retrieval of sea ice quantities from remote sensing data to improve our knowledge of the state of sea ice in the Arctic, investigation of information content of observational data and data fusion/data assimilation methods, and novel data-driven approaches (eg. convolutional neural networks) to extract sea ice information from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery.

Maria Strack

Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; Canada Research Chair

Maria Strack's research interests include the interactions between ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry and soil properties in wetland ecosystems, peatland greenhouse gas fluxes in both natural and disturbed ecosystem, and peatland methane dynamics including both fluxes and subsurface storage.

Bryan Tolson

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bryan Tolson's research interests include hydrologic model calibration, hydrology, water resources planning and management, environmental and water resources, environmental simulation model development, environmental decision-making, parallel computing, multi-objective optimization, and soft computing.

Andrew Trant

Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Andrew Trant's areas of research include ecological legacies associated with people occupying sites for millennia, biodiversity as a critical component for understanding how ecosystem function and biogeography.

Wesley Van Wychen

Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Management

Wesley Van Wychen's research includes remote sensing (satellite imagery) and field data to observe variability in glaciers and glacier motion; the application of SAR remote sensing datasets to observe ocean processes (currents, sea ice) and monitor human activities (detection of oil spills); data management and long-term data preservation; and historical climate data rescue projects.

Tony Wirjanto

Professor, Statistics and Actuarial Science and School of Accounting and Finance.

Tony Wirjanto's research focuses on the intersection between statistics and econometrics. This includes financial time series with a focus on volatility modeling/forecasting and financial risk management and financial mathematics with a focus on portfolio optimization in a high-dimensional setting and on global climate change risks.

Brent Wolfe

Professor, Earth and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University

Brent Wolfe's areas of research include climate change in Canada's north, present and past hydrology of the Mackenzie Basin Deltas, paleo-environmental research, and environmental impacts on the hydrology of lakes.

Linlin Xu

Research Assistant Professor, Systems Design Engineering

Linlin Xu's focuses are monitoring and mapping of Arctic sea ice and marine oil spills, machine learning, statistical and computational methods for big remote sensing data interpretation, hyperspectral imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and environmental remote sensing.