The Climate Risk Research Group is ready to partner with public and private sector clients to support research related to our areas of expertise.

Scoping and Literature Reviews
Our team can conduct exploratory scoping reviews to map key concepts and evidence or systematic literature reviews that collate evidence related to a focused research question. Both tools can support further analysis and inform decisions by partner organizations.

Applied Policy Analysis
The CRRG has extensive experience in developing policy options to address public problems and comparing them systematically against objective assessment criteria. In this study, for example, we engaged expert informants to assess the relative suitability of policy tools to deal with urban flooding.

Spatial Analysis
The CRRG team is equipped to conduct spatial analysis to map and visualize data that supports research and policy development. As an example, one of our recent studies combined a national-scale flood hazard dataset with indicators of social vulnerability to pinpoint “hotspots” of flood risk across Canada.

Plan and Program Evaluation
The CRRG is experienced in conducting systematic evaluations of plans and programs to inform reporting and redesign. Recent examples of this work focused on flood maps, municipal climate change plans and open data access.