Current Projects
1. Policy Design for Climate-Resilient Housing
Funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant, this project involves spatial analysis of the physical exposure of housing and property values to climate-related hazards and an evaluation of policy instruments to increase the resilience of new and existing housing in a changing climate.
2. Effective Governance Arrangements for Climate Resilient Infrastructure
Funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant, this project evaluates governance arrangements to achieve critical infrastructure (CI) resilience in a changing climate. It combines spatial analysis and comparative case studies to assess CI resilience in five sectors: health care, public safety, government services, finance and transportation.
3. Flood Risk Governance in a Changing Climate
Funded through a Network Investigator Grant from the MEOPAR Network and a SSHRC Insight Grant, this project analyzes the effectiveness of Canada's flood risk governance arrangements as they play out in Calgary, Halifax, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Using climate change-adjusted flood hazard maps produced by the expert hazard modelling firm JBA Risk Management, our team is creating state-of-the-art 3-D visualizations of future flood risk. These are the foundation for Risk Dialogues that engage stakeholders in identifying strategies to achieve flood resilience in a changing climate.
4. Effective Property Buyout Programs to Reduce Flood Risk in a Changing Climate
Funded through a research grant from the Max Bell Foundation, this project examines property buyouts as a tool to reduce flood risk and increase community resilience to climate change.
See our initial policy brief, report, and webinar.
5. Canadian Coastal Resilience Forum
The Canadian Coastal Resilience Forum (CCRF) is a community of practice focused on strengthening social resilience to natural hazards and climate change in Canada’s coastal regions.
This initiative is kindly supported by the Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR) a federally-funded Network of Centres of Excellence.