Academic Publications
For an up-to-date list of publications check out Dr. Risko's Google Scholar profile:
You can also find copies of more recent papers here:
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Media Publications
Our work on cognitive offloading was reported on in the Huffington Post and Psychology Today.
- Gholipour, B. (2016, August 17). We Outsource Our Minds Every Day, And Psychologists Want To Understand The Consequences: Our devices are doing more and more of the remembering for us. Huffington Post. Click here to read.
- Gilbert, S. (2019, October 31). Technology Is Changing Memory. How Can We Use It Optimally?: Self-knowledge is key to making the best use of technology. Psychology Today. Click here to read.
Our work on the effect of time, fidgeting, and mindwandering on attention was reported on in Verywell Health.
- Madormo, C. (2022, January 11). Why Fidgeting Isn’t Just an ADHD Symptom. Verywell Health. Click here to read.
Lastly, our work on speeded video lectures was reported on in The Guardian.
- Spinney, L. (2021, November 8). The big idea: Should we leave the classroom behind?: The pandemic has driven a great leap forward in digital learning. Is there any point in looking back? The Guardian. Click here to read.