Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks


The physical-layer security under the information-theoretic (perfect) security models can get exponentially close to perfect secrecy in theory. However, the information-theoretic security is an average-information measure. The system can be designed and tuned for a specific level of security: e.g., with very high probability a block is secure, but it may not be able to guarantee security with probability one. So any deployment of a physical-layer security protocol in a classical system would be part of a "layered security" solution where security is provided at a number of different layers, each with a specific goal in mind. The physical-layer security can provide an additional layer of security for wireless networks. We investigate a novel multiple input multiple output (MIMO) aided security scheme. By exploiting an extra dimension provided by MIMO systems for adding artificial noise to the transmission process, which let the attacker's signal be a degraded version of the legitimate receiver's signal, the physical-layer security is enhanced as a result. We also investigate a novel framework for Physical layer Assisted message Authentication (PAA) under public key infrastructure (PKI) in wireless communication networks.

Research topics

  • Finding practical method to build the wire-tap channel model for MIMO and single input single output (SISO) system.
  • Developing the wire-tap channel code close to capacity.
  • Exploring to build a cross-layer framework for achieving fast and light-weighted message authentication for wireless networks in virtue of physical layer assisted message Authentication.