Hu, H. ., & Gong, G. . (2008). A study on the pseudorandom properties of sequences generated via the additive order, Sequences and Their Applications (SETA). Springer.
Reference author: H.G. Hu
First name
Last name
Hu, H. ., Gong, G. ., & Guo, F. . (2008). New results on periodic sequences with large $k$-error linear Error!. Toronto, Canada: the Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2008). (Original work published 2008)
Engels, D. ., Fan, X. ., Gong, G. ., Hu, H. ., & Smith, E. M. (2010). Hummingbird: ultra-lightweight cryptography for resource-constrained devices. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
Hu, H. ., & Gong, G. . (2010). A new class of ternary and quaternary sequences with two-level autocorrelation. (Original work published 2010)
Hu, H. ., & Gong, G. . (2010). New sets of zero or low correlation zone sequences via interleaving techniques. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56, 1702-1713. (Original work published 2010)
Fan, X. ., Hu, H. ., Gong, G. ., Smith, E. ., & Engels, D. . (2009). Lightweight Implementation of Hummingbird Cryptographic Algorithm on 4-Bit Microcontroller, to appear in the Proceedings of The 1st International Workshop on RFID Security and Cryptography 2009 (RISC\textquoteright09). London, UK. (Original work published 2009)
Gong, G. ., Helleseth, T. ., Hu, H. ., & Kholosha, A. . (2012). On the dual of certain ternary weakly regular bent functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58, 2237-2243. (Original work published 2012)
Gong, G. ., Helleseth, T. ., & Hu, H. . (2012). A three-valued Walsh transform from decimations of Helleseth-Gong sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58, 1158-1162. (Original work published 2012)
Hu, H. ., Shao, S. ., Gong, G. ., & Helleseth, T. . (2014). On the proof of Lin\textquoterights conjecture. Honolulu, HI. (Original work published 2014)