Gong, G. . (1991). Solving phase sets of nonlinear feed forward sequences with maximal linear complexity. Science Bulletin of China, China, 551-554. (Original work published 1991)
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Gong, G. . (1990). Non linear generators of binary sequences with controllable complexity and double key. Springer\textquoterights Lecture Notes in Computer Science453. (Original work published 1990)
Gong, G. . (1990). Quadratic span of feedback shift register sequences. (Original work published 1990)
Abstract Algebra for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. (1987). Chengdu, China: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).
Gong, G. . (1986). Runs, component sequences and vector sequences of m-sequences over Galois fields. ACTA ELECTRONICS SILICA, 14, 94-100. (Original work published 1986)
Gong, G. . (1984). An new public-key cryptosystem based on matrix rings. (Original work published 1984)
Schonberger, M. . (1979). As a co-translator, translated the English version of the following book into Chinese: The I Ching and the Genetic Codes —— the Hidden Key to Life. ASI Publishers Inc., 1979. Xi Dian University Press, 1993.
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