While going through a box of old newsletters from various departments at the University of Waterloo, I came across an Engineering Education Research Centre (EERC) News issue from November 18, 1986, titled "The Good, The Baud and The Parity."
This issue was donated by Sherry Hartung and can be viewed in our online catalogue.
The newsletter included the results of a survey taken by engineering undergraduates on their use of personal computers. I thought the results were quite interesting, particularly for the last question!

EERC News, Issue No. 3. 1986

EERC News, Issue No. 3. 1986
And for fun, a comic made by Tom Lee that was published in the same newsletter:

EERC News, Issue No. 3. 1986
About the Author
Amy studies Computational Mathematics at the University of Waterloo and is currently working for the Computer Museum as their Summer 2024 co-op student. In her free time, she enjoys painting, collaging, and other forms of visual art making.