Elections & Nominations call

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

[nominations graphic]
CS-GSA elections are coming this November. This is a great opportunity to get involved in your graduate student community. Nominations are open for all positions, except the president. Each position's term will last for 12 months, starting January 1st, 2021. A brief outline of each position can be found below. To apply, please send a paragraph long personal statement to csgsa@uwaterloo.ca by November 10.

After nominations close, there will be a one week campaign period. To help you make the most informed vote, we will distribute personal statements at this point. Candidates will also have the chance to speak at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 17 (tentative date, more details to follow). Following the AGM, voting will open and will continue until November 24.

The executive positions standing for elections are Vice-President, TreasurerPublicity Officer, and Event Coordinator. In addition, we accept nominations for the CS Representative to the GSA-UW Council*. Descriptions of the duties can be found here.

A summary of the election timeline is given below:

  • Nominations (October 27 - November 10)
  • Campaign Period (November 10 - November 17 - tentative)
  • Annual General Meeting (November 17 - tentative)
  • Voting Period (November 17 - 24 - tentative) 

* In addition to CS Representative to the GSA-UW Council, you can apply for an executive CS GSA positions