Allyship and Advocacy in Response to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Cues

- How do people perceive organizational cues signalling EDI (e.g., diversity statements, leader profiles suggesting prosocial committee engagement)?
- Who engages in allyship? What circumstances (such as EDI cues) facilitate or restrict allyship behaviour?
- How does membership of both a privileged group and marginalized group (e.g., White women, men of colour) influence perceptions of discrimination and allyship behaviour?
Gender Equity in STEM and at Home
How can interventions at different stages (elementary, high school, university, workplace) counteract gender inequality in STEM fields? How do class/team network dynamics shape women's STEM success?
Why do young adults with egalitarian relationship goals still stereotype their partners into traditional roles? How can we improve these inaccurate predictions?
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Trust and Interdependence

How does high-stakes interdependence influence trust development, friendship integration, and negotiation within the context of cross-cultural relationships?
Can situations structured to include risk and sacrifice, such as mixed-motive dilemmas, help develop trust between strangers and friends from different backgrounds?
Supportive Responses to Racism
- Effectively combating racism involves offering appropriate support to people of colour who share their experiences of discrimination.
- Do White people use reframing to focus on upsides and minimize negative feelings (e.g., it could have been worse), or validation, acknowledging the recipients negative feelings and expressing empathy (e.g., I'm so sorry that happened to you!)?
- How do people of colour respond to these two types of support?

Collective Threat

- How do reputational concerns of minority group members affect their choices about integrating stereotypic ingroup peers into their social and academic circles?
- Do women in STEM majors exclude stereotypically feminine same-sex peers?
- Does occupying an influential network position attenuate collective threat?