3. Green Lorraine Formation quartzite

"Algoma Jade," Green Lorrain Quartzite, from Echo Lake, Sault Ste. Marie.

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed from the sedimentary rock, sandstone. The quartz sand grains were cemented together by heat and pressure.

Green Lorrain Quartzite is coloured green by fuchsite (sericite; muscovite) due to the presence of chromium derived from detrital chromite, which was weathered from komatiitic rocks of the Abitibi greenstone belt.

The Abitibi greenstone belt is a 2,800 - 2,600 million year old greenstone belt is formed of igneous and sedimentary rocks and hosts gold mines in Ontario and Quebec.

Green Lorrain Quartzite in the Peter Russell Rock Garden
Close up of Green Lorrain Quartzite, also known as the "Algoma Jade."

A photo of a polished specimen of "Algoma Jade."