Postponed until further notice
Dr. Adam Gordon Yates from Western University will be presenting a talk as part of the Ecohydrology Seminar Series on May 1st, 2018, titled "Understanding the Effects of Phosphorus Concentration Dynamics on Benthic Primary Production using Artificial Stream Experiments".
Understanding the effects of physical, chemical and biological stressors on ecological function is inherently problematic using field surveys because of confounding factors. Artificial streams can help resolve this problem by allowing controlled testing of multiple stressors and interactive ecological effects. The Thames River Experimental Stream Sciences (TRESS) Centre is a unique, artificial stream facility in southern Ontario, Canada constructed in collaboration with academic, government and community partners. A fundamental aim of TRESS research is to test novel questions essential to river management. This presentation will describe experiments aimed at understanding how phosphorus loading affects productivity of stream algae communities and alters rates of aquatic function.