Ion Chromatography (IC)
Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer
Organic C, Total N analyzer
Water Isotope Analyzer
Carbon-13 CH4/CO2 Isotope Analyzer
Greenhouse & Atmospheric Gas Analyzer
UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Atomic fluorescence (AFS)
Metrohm 907 Titrando
Multimeter probes
Sample preparation
Freeze dryer
Microwave digestor
AirClean Workstation 600
ICP-OES: Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry

- Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300 with auto sampler
- Analyzes up to 66 different elements with sub-ppb detection limits
- Choice of wavelengths from 166 to 847 nm
Capillary ion chromatograph (IC) system

- Dionex ICS-5000 with auto sampler
- Dual column system (capillary and analytical)
- Includes reagent-free and automatic eluent generation, which greatly simplifies sample preparation
- Analysis of anions and organic acids (proteins, nucleotides, and amino acids)
- Speciation within complex matrices, flexible detection
Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer
- Thermo Scientific Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer
- Automated analyzer manages dilutions and replicate analyses
- Capable of colourometric, enzymatic and electrochemical analyses
- In Ecohydrology, used for analysis of:
- Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP)
- Ammonium
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Read more about the Gallery analyzer here:
Total Organic C, Total N Analyzer

- Shimadzu TOC-LCPH/CPN with auto injector
- Measures organic C (TOC), TC, IC, and total N with concentrations from 4 µg/L to 30,000 mg/L
- State-of-the-art combustion catalytic oxidation system
- Analysis of samples ranging from ultra-pure water to sea water or highly contaminated samples
- TOC and TN can be measured simultaneously
Water Isotope Analyzer

- Picarro L2130-i Isotope (δ18O and δD for Isotopic H2O) and Gas Concentration Analyzer
- Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (CRDS) with vapourizer and autosampler
- High quality (high precision, minimal drift) measurements of water stable isotopes in water, vapour and/or solid samples
- Currently used by Ecohydrology research group for analyzing liquid water samples
- Applications for hydrology, paleo-limnology and -climatology, and oceanography/limnology
- Read more about the analyzer:
Carbon-13 CH4/CO2 Isotope Analyzer

- Picarro G2201-i Isotopic (δ13C- CH4 and CO2) Analyzer
- Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (CRDS) with small sample isotope module (SSIM)
- Field portable model
- Applications for soil, agriculture/agronomy, atmospheric, groundwater-surface water interactions, peat/permafrost, and critical zone research and sciences
- Read more about the analyzer:
Greenhouse & Atmospheric Gas Analyzer

- Shimadzu gas chromatograph with a 16 port stream selection valve for automated sample injection of gas samples
- The system uses 2 ten port, one six port, and one four port valve(s) to quantify CH4, CO2, N2O, O2 and N2, using 3 different detectors (ECD, TCD, methanizer and FID)
- Detection levels range from 100ppb to mid % levels for atmospheric N2 and O2
- Data acquisition is managed with shimadzu GC solution software
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Thermo Evolution 260)

- Wavelength range: 190 to 1100 nm
- Light source: Xenon flash lamp (requires no warming up)
- Double beam with sample and reference cuvette positions
- Methods available for protein analysis and nucleic acid concentration and purity
Voltammeter (Metrohm 797 VA Computrace voltammeter with autosampler)
- Applications include measurement of metals (including uranium, copper, mercury, lead, cadmium, iron, manganese, and selenium) and non-metals (cyanide, vitamin E and vitamin C).
- Includes a multi-mode electrode (MME) that can also be operated as DME, SMDE, or HDME
Atomic fluorescence (AFS)

- PSAnalytical PSA 10.055 Millenium Excalibur with PSA 20.400 Autosampler
- Hydride generation (HG)
- Measures total arsenic (10 ppt) and selenium (2 ppt) in aqueous samples
- Changing analyte only requires a simple lamp change. Lamps available for antimony (10 ppt), bismuth (10 ppt) and tellurium (10 ppt)
- Accurate for concentrations across five orders of magnitude
HPLC coupled to Atomic fluorescence (HPLC-UV-HG-AFS)

- Agilent HPLC used in conjunction with the Millenium Excalibur
- Provides speciation information in addition to total analysis
- Selenium species: selenocystine, selenomethionine, selenite and selenate
Multimeter probes

Probes for:
- pH
- Eh/ORP (redox potential)
- Electrical conductivity
- Temperature
- Dissolved oxygen
Metrohm 907 Titrando

Potentiometric and STAT titrations. Operation is carried out with high-performance PC software.
Measurement interfaces
- Potentiometric electrode (pH, metal or ion-selective electrode)
- Separate reference electrode
- Temperature sensor (Pt1000 or NTC)
- Polarizable electrode
- iConnect (measuring interface for electrodes with integrated data chip, so-called iTrodes)
Freeze dryer

- Location: PHY 221
- Labconco FreeZone Freeze Dry System 7753020
- Freezes < -50°C, pressure 0.05 mBar
- For samples with eutectic temperature > -40°C
- Capacity: 18 L
- Bulk tray dryers and fast freeze flasks available

- Maximum speed: 15,000 rpm
- Sample volume: <1 mL to 400 mL
Microwave digester

- Anton Paar Multiwave 3000
- Microwave reaction system for automated soil extraction
AirClean Workstation 600

- Facilitates the maintenance of a sterile work area during sample preparation.
- The thermoplastic table-top enclosure uses a 2-stage filtration process, including a HEPA filter, to prevent contamination in microbially sensitive work.
- The unit features Class 100 laminar flow, 360 degree visibility, and a built in fluorescent light.
- Internal dimensions: 47" W x 23" D x 29" H