Thursday, June 13, 2019
Former doctoral students from the Ecohydrology Research Group participated in the University of Waterloo's convocation ceremony on Thursday, June 13th. The graduates include:
- Zahra Akbarzadeh - "Quanititative Modeling of Nitrogen Cycling Along the River Continuum:Streambed Sediment, Reservoirs, and Isotopes"
- Tariq Aziz - "Ecosystem Services: Linking Ecohydrology with Economic Valuation"
- Gabrielle Bacca-Cortes* - " Coupling Reactive Transport and Travel Time Modeling at the Watershed Scale" (*not able to attend)
- Adrian Mellage - "Hydrobiogeophysics: Linking Geo-Electrical Properties and Biogeochemical Processes in Shallow Subsurface Environments"
- Md Abdus Sabur - "Interaction of Phosphate and Silicate with Iron Oxides in Freshwater Environments"
- Bingjie Shi - "Tracing Redox Cycles During Microbe-Clay Interactions Using Stable Iron Isotopes"
Congratulations Zahra, Tariq, Gabrielle, Adrian, Sabur, and Bingjie!