Ecohydrology researchers host Cold Regions Ecohydrogeology kick-off meeting

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

On February 26th, Ecohydrology researchers hosted a successful kick-off meeting for the Cold Regions Ecohydrogeology (COREH) project, supported through the University of Waterloo's International Research Partnership Grants. The kick-off meeting marked the start of a new international research partnership in cold regions ecohydrogeology between Canada (University of Waterloo), China (China University of Geosciences), Russia (Moscow State University), Sweden (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), and France (Earth Sciences and Astronomy Observatory Rennes and Subatech).

COREH is a truly interdisciplinary project that brings together some of the world’s foremost experts in cold regions hydro(geo)logy, ecohydrology, biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, soil science, remote-sensing, radiochemists, environmental modelling and high latitude agrioecosystem management. The partnership is dedicated to advancing the scientific capacity to predict the response of regions of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground to ongoing climate change.