Ecohydrology researchers visit Tianjin University – Philippe becomes an Honorary Professor

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Philippe Van Cappellen and Shuhuan Li participated in the first International Workshop on Earth-Surface System Science organized by the Institute for Earth-Surface System Science (IESS) in Tianjin on March 27-28, 2018. During the opening ceremony, Philippe and 6 other prominent scientists were made Honorary Professors of Tianjin University. During the workshop, Philippe delivered a seminar on changes in riverine nutrient fluxes due to damming.

On March 29, IESS held its first scientific Advisory Committee, including Philippe. IESS was created in 2015 by Professor Congqiang Liu and is now moving into a fully renovated building with facilities that include an accelerator mass spectrometer and many advanced instruments for geochemical and isotopic analyses. 

Tianjin University was founded in 1895 as the first modern university in China. It has over 30,000 students and a strong tradition in science and engineering. It is one of a selected number of Chinese universities participating in Waterloo’s 2+2 program. 

Philippe in China

Philippe in Cina