New paper quantifies the contribution of agricultural nitrogen legacies to nitrate loadings in two large river basins

Friday, January 20, 2017

A new paper by Kim Van Meter, Nandita Basu and Philippe Van Cappellen provides a historical reconstruction of nitrate yields of two major U.S. watersheds, the Mississippi River and Susquehanna River basins. The paper was published in the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles and was selected as an Editor’s Highlight – “The manuscript assembles a model to track the 214-year record of N inputs, storage and outputs for two important river basins (Mississippi and Susquehana).  The important message is that current N fluxes in rivers can be dominated by legacies of past N deposition.”

The full article, entitled "Two centuries of nitrogen dynamics: Legacy sources and sinks in the Mississippi and Susquehanna River Basins", can be accessed online.