I am a PhD student in the multidisciplinary field of ecohydrology.My current research evaluates the effects of urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) on phosphorus (P) export and advanced the predictive understanding of these effects with process-based and machine learning modelling tool.My researchfocuses on:
Evaluate the effects of urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) on phosphorus (P) export and advanced the understanding of the impact of internal processes and external factors on these effects.
Develop process-based and data-driven modelling tool for estimating the effects of stormwater BMPs on urban stormwater runoff P.
Identify the sources, pathways, and speciation of urban stormwater P export.
My study will also provide practitioners with an understanding on how to improve the application and design ofurban stormwater BMPsto reduce eutrophication risksunder the context of climate change.
Start Date: January 2020
Office: PHY 3017
Email: b59zhou@uwaterloo.ca
Advisory Committee
Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen (U of Waterloo)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Chris Parsons (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad (U of Waterloo)
Dr. Elodie Passeport (U of Toronto)
Dr. Nandita Basu (U of Waterloo)