Evolving the EdTech Ecosystem project

Evolving the EdTech Ecosystem

Sponsored by Information Systems & Technology (IST), the Centre for Extended Learning (CEL), and the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), this project will implement initiatives and process improvements towards evolving the University's centrally managed educational technologies (EdTech) ecosystem. The University recognizes the need for more intentional and strategic approaches to our EdTech ecosystem evolution, given its role in Waterloo’s goals and directions identified in the 2020-2025 strategic plan. New processes will ensure transparency and inclusion so that the ecosystem can respond with agility to evolving teaching and learning needs. Consultation sessions will focus on ensuring that the project deliverables meet the needs of instructors and students.

Objectives of this work

Through consultation with campus partners, instructors, and students, and an environmental scan of other Universities, this project will achieve the following: 

  • Creation of a formalized structure and role for central EdTech governance
  • Processes to advance our central EdTech ecosystem:
    • Cyclic ecosystem review and renewal
    • Coordination of the exploration of new central EdTech
    • EdTech in-take
    • EdTech support workflows
  • Development of a sustainable support model
  • Creation and maintenance of an EdTech Hub website
  • Awareness and tracking of local expertise in EdTech

Work plan

In addition to an environmental scan, the team's work will primarily be driven by consultations with key University stakeholders. Below is a summary of deliverables to date.

Updated November 22, 2024

Deliverable Status Comments
Create formalized structure and role for central EdTech governance Complete governance structure has been created that includes EdTech steering, advisory and operations committees. Representatives from academic support units, students, and faculty are included. Operationally, continuous improvements will be assessed on an ongoing basis.
Create a sustainable support model In progress An understanding of current state for reactive EdTech support is complete.  Challenges and priorities are being assessed.  Improvements will be incremental in multiple phases, with the current phase focusing on processes and workflows within IST, specifically for classroom support, start of term onboarding, and request intake.  
Creation and maintenance of a central location for EdTech information Complete

The EdTech hub site was launched in September 2022 as a first stage of providing a centralized location for EdTech information. New processes such as development of a renewal rubric and intake process have since been added to the site.

Operationally, opportunities for improvements and additions will continue to be assessed and implemented.
EdTech intake process Complete

The EdTech intake process has been published on the EdTech hub.

There are opportunities for future improvement once the integrated planning and budget model changes for the university are clearer and the relationship of EdTech governance to a future campus IT governance is better known.

Coordination and exploration of EdTech and cyclic review of ecosystem

Complete renewal rubric has been tested with various recent renewals and is now published on the EdTech hub.

How to get involved

If you have feedback, comments, or questions about this work, please contact Pam FluttertDirector, Instructional Technologies and Media Services (ITMS), IST.