LMS Review project update
The Learning Management System (LMS) Review project Final Report (authentication required), which consists of data and additional information collected throughout the project and helped inform the recommendation to continue with LEARN (D2L’s Brightspace), is available for review (authentication is required). Information about the project is available on the Learning Management System (LMS) project page.
Introducing the LEARN Improvements project
Findings indicated that while there are concerns or issues with LEARN, the majority of faculty, students, and staff would prefer time and effort be spent on improvements to the current LEARN environment versus implementing a brand-new platform. To support this work, a LEARN Improvements project has been initiated. A list of the in-progress or planned improvement efforts, categorized by common theme or area of focus, is available on the project web page. You are encouraged to visit the page to stay up to date with this work as the project list will continue to be updated as other actions to improve faculty, student, and staff experiences with LEARN are identified.
Piloting new functionality: Creator+, Performance+
Two projects we are excited to announce, in partnership with the Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII), are the integration of D2L’s Creator+ and Performance+ tools. Creator+ is a content authoring package that provides opportunities for clients to create highly engaging, interactive, accessible digital content from within their course, with no training required. Performance+ provides access to course and learner data, helping to clarify what happened, why, and even how to predict learner performance. More information about these projects, including how to participate in the pilots, is available on the Teaching Innovation Incubator website.
Comments or questions about the LMS Review Final Report or LEARN Improvements project can be submitted to Pam Fluttert, Director, Instructional Technologies and Media Services (ITMS), Information Systems & Technology (IST).