This seminar will address the M365 change process and upcoming M365 changes, with focus on the February 20th switch to New Teams.
Date: Friday, February 9
Time: 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Online: Via Teams. Please follow the link below to access the session.
Presenter(s): Steven Markan, Jamie Shigeishi
Steven Markan
Stephen has been an employee at the University of Waterloo for over 30 years. He is currently part of IST and the Client Services liaison to the Faculty of Science. He also knows a thing or two about SharePoint (hint: OneDrive is really SharePoint in disguise). When not puttering with computers, Stephen putters in the garden; and organizes tabletop gaming events throughout Waterloo region via KW Gamers.
Jamie Shigeishi
Jamie is part of University of Waterloo in IST Client Services working as the Software Licensing Coordinator and an IST Account Representative. She is involved in several of the Microsoft 365 initiatives including the new M365 Changes and Highlights blog as well as the R: drive migration project. In her free time, Jamie has been learning to crochet and enjoys playing soccer.
This session will be recorded.
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