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Zhichao Liu
PhD student

About Zhichao Liu
Zhichao Liu is a PhD candidate (started May 2021). He studies Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) of Energetic Nanocomposites and Photocatalysis.
Cheolhee Shin
PhD student

About Cheolhee Shin
Cheolhee Shin is a PhD candidate (started September 2019). He currently studies synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials in combustion.
David Michael Bruce Dombroski
PhD student

About David Dombroski
David Dombroski is a PhD candidate (started September 2020). He studies design and manufacturing of energy devices for clean technologies.
Milad Khodabakhshi
PhD student

About Milad Khodabakhshi
Milad Khodabakhshi is a PhD candidate (started September 2018). He studies theories and modeling methods on nanoparticle interactions.
Shina Maini
PhD student

Shina Maini is a PhD candidate (started September 2019). She currently studies fabrication, characterization and application of nano-structured energetic materials.
Wenrui Ye
PhD student

About Wenrui Ye
Wenrui Ye is a PhD candidate (started September 2020). He currently studies advanced energy management and control for smart systems.
Yiqi Zhang
PhD student

About Yiqi Zhang
Yiqi Zhang is a PhD candidate (started September 2020). She studies core-shell nanoparticles and fabrication of light reflection materials for solar energy harvest.