Areas of contribution
Discovery and development of novel metastable intermolecular composites (MIC) for advanced propellants, micro-propulsion and micro-joining
The group has greatly contributed to developing new MIC microstructures and understanding of their reaction mechanisms. They fabricate multi-layered MIC via vacuum filtration (to reveal the distinct reaction mechanisms of Al-CuO, Al-NiO, and Al-CNT-NiO composites) and core-shell colloid micro and nano-particles. They also pioneered in synthesizing and characterizing MIC composed of nano-Al and metal-oxide nanowire, multilayer nano-laminates, and core-shell Al/CuO microparticles.
Selected publications
- Sui H et al. (2020). Al-NiO energetic composites as heat source for joining silicon wafer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 279: 116572 (1-11).
- Sui H et al. (2018). Interaction between single walled carbon nanotubes and reactive nanoparticle constituents in multilayered Al/NiO nano-composite. ACS Applied Energy materials 1: 5245.
- Sui H et al. (2018). Diversity in addressing reaction mechanisms of nano-thermite composites with a layer by layer structure. Advanced Engineering Materials. 20(3): 1700822 (1-11).
Large-scale synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials in sustainable energy technologies
The group was among pioneers who developed combustion and flame-based technologies for synthesizing carbonaceous nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and catalytic nanoparticles. The statistic method, co-developed by professor Wen, was the first model which describes a flame synthesis process of iron nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes, through coupling the detailed combustion chemistry, surface reactions, flame structure and aerosol nanoparticle formation. Carbon nanotubes and ZnO, TiO2 and silver nanowires based electrodes have been experimentally fabricated and numerically investigated for developing high-energy-density supercapacitors, wastewater treatment and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technologies.
Selected publications
- Zhao P et al. (2017). Photocatalytic performances of ZnO nanoparticle film and vertically aligned nanorods in chamber-based microfluidic reactors: Reaction kinetics and flow effects. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 209: 468-475.
- Kang JH et al. (2014). Characterization of thermal behaviors of electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs) with aqueous and organic electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. 144: 200-210.
- Celnik M et al. (2008). Modelling gas-phase synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes on iron catalyst particles. Carbon. 46: 422-433.
Heterogeneous reactions and catalytic combustion for a cleaner environment
The group develops clean energy and environmental technologies via fundamental and experimental studies on reaction kinetics and catalysis. Most recently, they reported on the first observation, through in-situ environmental scanning transmission electron microscopy, of mobile CeO2 nanoparticle catalysts which were propelled by the catalytic oxidation of carbon nanoparticles. This work could bring about a breakthrough in designing concepts of diesel particulate filters which usually use implantable immobile catalysts. In addition to abate soot formation, the group also co-develops novel microporous and mesoporous catalysts for solar fuel synthesis via CO2 reduction.
Selected publications
- Du et al. (2020) CO2 transformation to multicarbon products by photocatalysis and electrocatalysis. Materials Today Advances. 6:100071.
- Li B et al. (2019). Real-time observation of carbon oxidation by driven motion of catalytic Ceria nanoparticles within low pressure oxygen. Scientific Reports. 9:8082.
- Raj A et al. (2018). On the particle evolution in iron pentacarbonyl loaded counterflow methane-air flame. Combustion and Flame. 194: 1-14.
Broad ranged research in sustainable energy use
The group has contributed to a broader range of research in utilizing renewable energies and developing software and hardware to implement AI based approaches to manage energy production, conversion, storage and use.
Selected publications
- Herdem MS et al. (2020) Simulation and modeling of a combined biomass gasification-solar photovoltaic hydrogen production system for methanol synthesis via carbon dioxide hydrogenation. Energy Conversion and Management. 219: 113045.
- Saceleanu et al. (2019) Tunable kinetics of nanoaluminum and microaluminum powders reacting with water to produce hydrogen. International Journal of Energy Research. 43:7384-7396.