Surrogacy: Standing in the Conversation Gap - Facilitated by Jennifer Beaudin (CJI)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

"Surrogacy: Standing in the Conversation Gap", Facilitated by Jennifer Beaudin (CJI)

The workshop will explore the ways Vicarious Restorative Justice (VRJ) can be used in supporting the needs of survivors of sexual harm: Surrogacy. Funded by the Department of Justice, join CJI for one of two free, online trainings on the intersection of sexual harm and restorative justice.

Vicarious Restorative Justice (VRJ) is a model of restorative justice that brings together victims, offenders and others impacted for a dialogue, but who are not parties of the same harm or crime. It provides opportunities for those whom a traditional restorative justice approach would not be possible because one of the parties is unable, unwilling, or not ready to participate. Since the parties do not have a relationship, a VRJ process can increase safety and decrease the risk for re-traumatization.

In this workshop, we will discuss:

What is Vicarious Restorative Justice and why we would use it

How Revive is piloting Surrogacy

Initial learnings and where we are now