What Were You Wearing? Exhibit

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 10:00 am - 5:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Survivors are often asked, “what were you wearing?”, implying that what someone wears can cause their sexual assault to happen. This Rape Culture myth is used to blame survivors and justify the actions of those who cause harm. Survivors are never to blame for their experience(s) of sexual violence. And, we all have the right to wear what we want.

This art exhibit is based on student-survivor descriptions of the clothes they were wearing when they were sexually assaulted. It originated at the University of Arkansas in 2013, created by Jen Brockman and Mary Wyandt-Hiebert who were inspired by Mary Simmerling’s poem; What I Was Wearing.

SVPRO, in partnership with SASC, are recreating the exhibit to highlight the pervasiveness of victim-blaming and the harm and traumatization it causes.

What Were You Wearing? Exhibit poster

You can also view Oregon State University’s virtual recreation here.