HH Roberts Conversational CNC Mill with Accu-rite Control

This Machine is intended for students who are looking to make a transition from Manual to CNC Machining. The Straightforward controls and conversational programming techniques make this good option to explore basic CNC machining functions.
Note: First time users of this machine will require one-one instruction from an ESMS shop Instructor. Please talk to a ESMS instructor for details and equipment availability.
Skill level Beginner-Intermediate
Accessibility Requirements
- Student displays a basic understating of manual machiningprincipals
- ESMS Safety Orientation Card
- Detailed part print showing key dimensions and tolerances (.DXF file is recommended for ease of use)
- Positive attitude and a willingness to learn
Machine Capacity: X 32” Y 18” Z 20”
HAAS VF2 CNC Machining Center

The purpose of this machine is to support the manufacturing of complex parts for Student Design Teams and Engineering Undergraduate Projects. Using a CAM system (Mastercam) for programming with a wide variety of tool-path options, this machine is capable of producing complex parts that would not be possible using manual machines. For more information on using the HAAS CNC machine please contact Graeme Adair gadair@uwaterloo.ca
Note: There is a significant investment in time required with the Student Shop CNC Instructor to become proficient in CNC Programming and machining. Student Design Teams are encouraged to appoint selected team members to CNC machine multiple parts during the build to make the experience most effective.
Skill level Intermediate-Advanced
Accessibility Requirements
- ESMS Safety Orientation Card
- A strong understanding and displayed skill of machining principals and processes
- Intermediate level CAD skills
- A detailed part print showing key dimensions and tolerances.
- Solidworks part file or Step file of part
- Positive Attitude with a willingness to learn
Machine Capacity: X 30” Y16” Z20”
CNC Router Service

The CNC Router is a resource offered as a service for Student Design Teams and approved undergraduate engineering projects. This is a free of charge service only for approved activities and is carried out by ESMS staff. For General inquiries and scheduling please come to the ESMS with your requirements or contact Graeme Adair gadair@uwaterloo.ca
Approved Common Materials
- XPS/EPS Foam
- Plastic
- Composites
- Wood
Accessibility Requirements
- Service is available to Student Design Teams and Engineering Undergraduate Students
- Solid works part file or Step file of part
- Users may need to be available upon request to assist with setup/cleanup of the job
Machine Capacity: X 48” Y 96”Z 10.5”
Location: Student Design Center E5 Room 1014
CNC Water Jet Service

The CNC Water-jet is a great resource for Student Design Teams and ESMS users to support their fabrication and build processes. This service is carried out for students by ESMS staff. For more information please come to the ESMS and discuss your requirements.
Note: Lead times may vary depending on demand and staff availability
Accessibility Requirements
- ESMS Safety Orientation Card
- Service is available to Student Design Teams and Engineering Undergraduate Students only
- .DXF file (properly scaled and exported in imperial units)
- Material to be cut
Machine Capacity X 12”Y 12” Z1.0”
Steel maximum thickness .5”
Aluminum maximum thickness .75”
Plastic max thickness 1.0”
The student shop CNC is available to qualified students that need CNC machining.
To qualify, the student needs to meet the following criteria:
- Have proven machining experience and understanding.
- Can program tool paths using Mastercam.
Mastercam Getting Started Series - This tutorial was provided by CNC Software Inc.
Download Tutorial: Parts for Mastercam tutorial