Mental Health Advocacy Award Application

The Faculty of Science Foundation bestows this award upon undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science to recognize initiatives and efforts to advocate for improved mental health of the student population.

Application deadlines: March 15 and November 15 each year

Important rules and considerations:

  • Applicant must demonstrate, in a report of 400-500 words, engagement with respect to promoting mental health through activities such as: 

    1. Involvement in advocacy groups 

    2. Community volunteering 

    3. Promotion of mental health while serving in leadership positions 

    4. Participation on mental health-related committees 

    5. Providing education on mental health and resources available 

  • Applicants should explain in a report of 400-500 words how their mental health advocacy efforts enhance the scholarly life of Science undergraduate students. Such activities in the broader Region of Waterloo community are also considered valuable contributions, particularly where the educational or leadership skills gained from such activities are applied towards mental health advocacy activities within the university and Faculty of Science. 

  • Applicant must provide appropriate evidence for participation in these activities, which may include but is not limited to:

    1. Letters of support are strongly encouraged (these must be submitted directly to the Foundation by the person writing the letter of support, and not by the applicant)  

    2. Web page links or screenshots 

    3. Pamphlets / brochures  

    4. Educational training (certificates, courses) and how this was applied towards advocacy activities 

  • Winners will be posted on the FSF website with a general description of their contributions, but without any information regarding the personal identities of beneficiaries or any mental health information about the applicant 

  • Personal information about mental health patients must not be submitted with the application form; instead, applicants may submit the names and contact information of person(s) who consent to write and submit letters of support directly to the Foundation (and which are not accessible by the applicant)

  • Recipients of this award must be undergraduate students enrolled in an academic program within the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo, have at least satisfactory academic standing in their academic program, and may only receive it once. 

If you have issues with submitting your application, please email Science Engagement (


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