Wei Liu

Visiting Scholar

Research Interests

Computer vision and machine learning

My current research mainly focuses on vehicle fine-grained recognition and vehicle identification. Given a vehicle image, my research goal is of vehicle fine-grained recognition is to identify the subtype of the vehicle. Vehicle re-identification aims to re-identify the images of a given query vehicle from a large gallery taking from multiple non-overlapping cameras. I hope my research can promote the development of intelligent transportation systems.

Employment History

  • Dec. 2018 - present: Associate Professor, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China.
  • June 2015 - Nov. 2018: Assistant Professor, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China.


  • Ph.D., Cognitive Science and Technology, Xiamen University, 2015.
  • M.Sc., Applied Mathematics, Jimei University,Xiamen, 2012.
  • B.Sc., Information and Computing Science, Nanchang University, 2009.


  • Liu, W., Luo, Z., Li, S., 2018. Improving deep ensemble vehicle classification by using selected adversarial samples. Knowledge-Based Systems, 160, 167175.
  • Liu, W., Zhang, M., Luo, Z., Cai, Y., 2017. An ensemble deep learning method for vehicle type classification on visual traffic surveillance sensors. IEEE Access, 5, 2441724425.
  • Liu, W., Li, S., Cao, D., Su, S., Ji, R., 2016. Detection based object labeling of 3D point cloud for indoor scenes. Neurocomputing, 174, 11011106.
  • Liu, W., Li, S., Lin, X., Wu, Y., Ji, R, 2016. Spectralspatial co-clustering of hyperspectral image data based on bipartite graph. Multimedia Systems, 22(3), 355366.
  • Liu, W., Cai, Y., Zhang, M., Li, H., Gu, H., 2016. Scene background estimation based on temporal median filter with Gaussian filtering. In 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern recognition (ICPR), pp. 132136.
  • Liu, W., Ji, R., Li, S., 2015. Towards 3D object detection with bimodal deep Boltzmann machines over RGB-D imagery. In Proceedings of the IEEEConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 30133021.
  • Liu, W., Li, S., Zhang, M., Wu, Y., Su, S., Ji, R., 2013. Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral imagery based on random forests. In Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, pp. 163168.