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What is the Provost’s Program for Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Scholars?

intersecting hexagons

The advancement of interdisciplinary research at the University of Waterloo is a key enabling factor that is woven throughout the University’s 2020 – 2025 strategic plan Connecting Imagination with Impact. Interdisciplinary research “represents one of the best routes to arrive at paradigm-changing discoveries and develop breakthrough technologies and ways of operating likely to have high societal/economic/scientific impact.” 

To support the growth of interdisciplinary research and teaching at the University of Waterloo, an Interdisciplinary Task Force was created to “articulate a vision for interdisciplinary research, programming and training at Waterloo”. Recognizing that the “wicked” problems of today’s world (e.g., climate change, food and water insecurity, pandemics such as COVID-19) are complex in nature and require researchers to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, and that there is an increasing demand for interdisciplinary skills and aptitude, the Task Force made 3 key recommendations to promote interdisciplinary research at Waterloo:  1) promote a strong interdisciplinary culture; 2) provide incentives and external drivers; and 3) eliminate real and perceived barriers such as disciplinary silos and budget. 

What is ‘interdisciplinary’ research? When considering this question at the institutional level, the Task Force included this insight:

  • In multidisciplinary research, methods and/or knowledge is shared between two or more disciplines, bringing together insights after they have been generated; here, one discipline may still take precedence.
  • Interdisciplinary research goes a step further, with interactions leading to adjustments in the methods or knowledge of each field.

The Provost’s Program for Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Scholars brings together scholars who can create opportunities for interactions and bring together solutions to research problems that support the institutional strategy to connect imagination with impact.

Financial Details

Annual salary of $60,000, a research fund of $5,000.

The term of the appointment is two years.


With the purpose of understanding the contribution and impact of this postdoctoral funding, recipients will be asked to complete a report annually. This is a non-evaluative report that allows scholars to share their activities and progress over the duration of their fellowship. The reporting will also provide an opportunity for the scholars to report on strengths and opportunities in terms of the support they have received as part of the program. The information will be used to provide outcome metrics to the Provost, identify progress in meeting strategic plan initiatives, and marketing/advancement promotion for future postdoctoral funding.