Haptic Computing Lab at CHI 2022 Workshop !

Prof. Oliver Schneider and PhD Student Bibhushan Joshi from Haptics Computing Lab along with Donald Degraen (Saarland University), Prof. Georg Freitag (University of Applied Sciences Dresden), Paul Strohmeier (Sensorimotor Interaction Group MPI for Informatics), Bruno Fruchard (Inria - Lille) and Dennis Wittchen (University of Applied Sciences Dresden) were successfully able to organize CHI 2022 workshop on "Sustainable Haptic Design: Improving Collaboration, Sharing, and Reuse in Haptic Design Research".
We would like to express our gratitude towards our Speakers Eric Vezzoli (CEO and Co-Founder - Go Touch VR), Prof. Vincent Levesque (Assistant Professor - ETS) and Prof. Hasti Seifi (Assistant Professor - University of Copenhagen) for sharing their knowledge, and Thank all the participants for their active involvement and making the workshop fun and interactive.