Samples of fake emails

Here are samples of emails that have been received. After a cursory scan, these were all determined to be fake and were deleted.Sample of an email with a fake invoice attached

Why is it fake?

  • I don't have any dealings with (and .co is Columbia)
  • There is no company signature or name in the email
  • Poor grammar in the text
  • The attachment is a compressed/zip file

Sample of an email with a fake invoice attached

Why is it fake?

  • I don't have any dealings with Wahl Canada
  • The company mentioned (Wahl Canada) does not match the email address ( which is from Columbia (.co)
  • It wasn't actually addressed to me (addressed to a different address)
  • They don't have my name (just a space after "Hello")

Sample of an email with a fake invoice attached

Why is it fake?

  • I don't have any dealings with The Clorox Company
  • The company mentioned (Clorox) does not match the email address (
  • The company used part of my email address (firstname.lastname) in the greeting - they don't have my actual name

Sample of a phishing email with a false notice and link

Why is it fake?

  • I may or may not have dealings with RBC
  • The company mentioned (RBC) does not match the email address ( and .br is Brazil.
  • The tone of the email is threatening
  • A real RBC email would have additonal contact information/options
  • Hovering over the link displays shows that clicking it would send me somewhere completely unrelated: