Virtual Tour of Mohawk Institute Residential School

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

On September 21, join us and hundreds of Canadians of all ages to learn more about the Mohawk Institute Residential School through The Woodland Cultural Centre. Since we cannot be there in person, the Cultural Centre has generously created a virtual opportunity to connect, learn and engage.

Space is limited and registration is required. Since space is limited, please cancel your place by contacting if you are unable to attend so that others can experience and learn from this opportunity.

Viewer discretion is advised and is not suitable for children under 14 years of age. For those of you working from home we recommend wearing headphones and viewing the tour in a private location within your home without the presence of children under the age of 14 years old.

What is the Woodland Cultural Centre?

The Woodland Cultural Centre (WCC) was established in October 1972 upon the closure of the Mohawk Institute Residential School. The purpose of WCC is visionary and includes, the preservation and interpretation of the original Residential School site which historically functioned to deprive children and communities of their language, history and culture with a view towards assimilation. As a counterpoint Museum and Art Gallery building which serves to showcase the rich Hodinohso:ni/Ronathahon:ni civilizations of the Great Lakes area and the contemporary artistic practices. The WCC offers unique programming including school visits, special events, workshops, performances, permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, an active language program, a library and archive.

About the Tour:

The virtual tour video was created with local production company Thru the RedDoor, and it follows the guide, Lorrie Gallant, as she gives a tour of the former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School. During the video Lorrie provides the history of the institution over its 140 year history. Viewers will get to see the different rooms in the school, from the girls’ and boys’ dormitories, the cafeteria, laundry room, and other rooms throughout the building, as well as hear interviews from five Survivors of the Mohawk Institute.


The Woodland Cultural Centre is very fortunate to have a number of residential school Survivors who are willing to share their stories to educate others about the legacy of residential schools in Canada.

The WCC interviewed two Survivors of the Mohawk Institute, whom you will recognize from the Virtual Tour, for a more in depth discussion about their time and experiences at the Mohawk Institute.

Survivors will also speak to how their lives, and the lives of their families, were impacted by this, showcasing the long-lasting, intergenerational consequences, and the journey of healing that they have walked. These interviews have been pre-recorded, so unfortunately the Survivors will not be available for the Q&A session.

This Virtual event will be taking place over Zoom and a link will be sent to you closer to the virtual event day and time.