Virtual Wen-Do Self-Defence Workshop

Friday, March 26, 2021 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Wen-Do Self Defence

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office invites all women and non-binary students, staff and faculty members of all abilities to a 2-hour virtual Wen-Do Self-Defence class. Women and non-binary family members within the same household are welcome to join using the same participation link provided upon registration.

Tell me more about Wen-Do:

Wen-Do reinforces that women, non-binary folx, and survivors are not responsible for the violence they experience, and acknowledges that women, non-binary folx and survivors need spaces to feel empowered within their bodies. 

Wen-Do, unlike all other self-defense workshops- recognizes that most women will experience violence by someone they know and care about and encourages participants to react within these situations, instead of expecting folx to fight stranger-danger.

The classes do not issue a list of do's and don’ts, but rather share practical and factual information within a feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppression framework. 

What should I expect in this workshop?

Your Wen-Do instructor will facilitate discussions that involve the breaking down and debunking of victim-blaming stereotypes and myths that surround self-defense. To do so, they will be describing specifics examples of different kinds of sexual violence. They will offer factual and resource-rich discussions about abuse, harassment, and assault occurring within a patriarchal society. 

Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice physical and verbal self-protection skills and strategies that cover a range of dangerous and/or uncomfortable situations. 

Considerations for the online environment

Physical techniques will be presented online with the understanding that some participants may be sitting or sometimes standing at their computer. Participants will be encouraged to do only what is emotionally comfortable and physically safe for their bodies. 

A few things to be mindful of:

  • Specific examples of sexual violence will be described throughout the workshop to facilitate practicing of skills learned. To prepare for this conversation, please have a plan in place to care for yourself during and following the workshop, should you find yourself triggered, unsettled, or distressed
  • Out of respect for all participants, everyone needs to ensure they can be in a private space without interruptions
  • Cameras are required to be on so that your instructor can offer feedback on technique and ensure physical safety while participating