46th Annual Elders & Traditional Peoples Gathering

Friday, February 11, 2022 - Sunday, February 13, 2022 (all day)

46th Annual Elders & Traditional Peoples Gathering - February, 2022

Elders and Traditional Peoples Gathering 

The Annual Elders and Traditional Peoples Gathering is held every year at Trent University. The Elders Gathering was first held at Trent in the 1970's and was the biggest event of its kind. Centered around a yearly theme, the gathering provides an opportunity to share Indigenous knowledge through a series of workshops, presentations and gatherings. It is a time for students and the community to come together to listen, learn, and engage with the stories and knowledge that Elders and Traditional People carry.

The 46th Annual Elders and Traditional Peoples Gathering takes place on February 11th, 12th, and 13th, 2022, this year's theme is Reconciliation Through Restor(y)ing Our Truth. Registration is now open for all three days, admission is free: 

Elders Gathering Schedule/Agenda