The Institute for Polymer Research
Due to COVID, we once again will be hosting our Symposium virtually. This year will mark the first time in the past 10 years, that we will have over 30 student presentations. Our two invited keynote speakers are Dr. Valerie Farrugia from the Xerox Research Center Canada and Professor Eduardo Vivaldo Lima from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Please register below to what promises to be a vibrant symposium so that hosting information can be sent to you closer to May 5th.
Dr. Valerie Farrugia from Xerox Canada is our Industrial Keynote Speaker. She will be sharing with us her expertise in 2D and 3D printing of engineered particles.

Our Academic speaker this year is Professor Eduardo Vivaldo Lima from UNAM. He will be speaking on the development of biorefining processes from lignocellulosic biomasses.

For program information click here 2021 Tentative Schedule
Please register by following this link. 2021 IPR Symposium Registration