Shastri, K. ., Boger, J. ., Flora, P. ., Astell, A. ., Nedlund, A. ., Karjalainen, K. ., Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A. ., & Nygård, L. . (2018). Dementia and mild cognitive impairment at work.. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Original work published 2018)
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Issakainen, M. ., Karjalainen, K. ., Heimonen, S. ., Ylhainen, M. ., Astell, A. ., Boger, J. ., Nedlund, A. ., Nygård, L. ., Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A. ., & Rissanen, S. . (2018). Muistisairaana työelämässä - tutkimushanke työikäisenä lievään kognitiiviseen heikentymään tai muistisairaute(Memory impairment and working life - a research project on the experiences and legal rights of people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia). Gerontologia, 32. Retrieved from
Broomand, A. ., Wei, J. ., Boger, J. ., Shaker, G. ., Wong, A. ., & Morita, P. . (2018). Autonomous Tracking of Older Adults' Normal and Slow Walking Speeds Using 24GHz Radar. 2nd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL) at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Presented at the. Stockholm, Sweden.
Hussein, T. ., Boger, J. ., & Rudzicz, F. . (2018). The Impact of Design on Feelings of Trust of Online Information for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia. British Computer Society 32nd Human Computer Interaction Conference (BHCI-2018). Presented at the. Belfast, UK.
Flora, P. ., Boger, J. ., Shastri, K. ., A, A. ., S, M. ., A, M. P. L., A-C, nedlund ., Heimonen, S. ., Rosenberg, L. ., Ylhainen, M. ., Karjalainen, K. ., Kottorp, A. ., Ryd, C. ., Issakainen, M. ., & Nygård, L. . (2018). Exploring the Role of Technology at Work among People with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment.. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Original work published 2018)
Wei, J. ., Boger, J. ., & Zhang, J. . (2018). What Wrist Temperature Tells Us When We Sleep Late: A New Perspective of Sleep Health. UIC 2018: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing. Presented at the. Guangzhou, China.
A, M. P. L., M, Y. ., K, K. ., M, I. ., S, heimonen ., L, N. ., L, R. ., A-C, nedlund ., A, K. ., A, A. ., & J, B. . (2018). Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment @ work in Progress. Bristol University, UK. (Original work published 2018)
Eisapour, M. ., Cao, S. ., Domenicucci, L. ., & Boger, J. . (2018). Participatory Design of a Virtual Reality Exercise for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018). Presented at the. Montreal, QC: ACM. Retrieved from
Hussein, T. ., Chauhan, H. ., Rudzicz, F. ., & Boger, J. . (2018). Building a Trustworthy Interface for Caregivers of People with Dementia. Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR). Presented at the. (Original work published 2018)
Wambua, M. ., Raimondo, S. ., Boger, J. ., Polgar, J. ., Chinaei, H. ., & Rudzicz, F. . (2018). Interactive search through iterative refinement. Second International Workshop on Conversational Approaches to Information Retrieval (CAIR18), at ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Presented at the. Ann Arbor, MI.