On Thursday Sept. 28th, Waterloo International hosted a reception for the recipients of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). In addition to the award recipients, several staff and faculty members who had been directly involved in the IISMA program were invited. The event was well attended with all 15 award recipients attending.
Students were welcomed to the event and the University of Waterloo by AVPI Dr. Ian Rowlands, and then had the opportunity to network with faculty members to connect and provide feedback on their experience thus far.
The students were excited to share how welcomed they felt by the University of Waterloo community. They reported enjoying their classes and engaging in numerous extracurricular activities. In particular, they have enjoyed the accessible nature of Waterloo classrooms. Students shared that they really appreciate how students and professors interact during lectures, and that assisted devices, such as microphones used during lectures made learning much easier, especially in larger classrooms.
Some of the students shared that they have been involved in volunteer work with both the Waterloo Women’s Society, and Her-Campus, and are excited to bring their learnings with them when from this experience.
When asked why they choose to study at the University of Waterloo, students frequently cited Waterloo's reputation, the breadth and applicability of offered courses, as well as the opportunity to learn more about co-op and graduate studies at the University of Waterloo.