Together with the FINCAPES Team at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo International hosted an MoU signing ceremony between the University of Waterloo and IPB University on 25th September 2023 to strengthen our existing relationship and explore institution-wide collaboration initiatives. IPB University was represented by Rector Arif Satria (President-adjacent), Vice-Rector Deni Noviana, Dean of Graduate School Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of Faculty of Forestry & Environment Naresworo Nugroho, and Chair of Woman’s Association Retna Widayawati.
Bill Duggan, FINCAPES Project Director, opened the Signing Ceremony as the moderator of the event and invited Dr. Vivek Goel, President of the University of Waterloo to address the IPB delegates and other attendees. Dr. Goel expressed his hope for developing a long-lasting and highly impactful partnership through the signing of this MoU.
IPB University’s Rector Professor Arif Satria, echoed this desire, speaking on the importance of climate change adaptation strategies and further work to be done in this area in Indonesia.
The Consul-General of the Republic of Indonesia, Dyah Lestari Asmarani, was invited to witness the signing, and re-emphasized the need for cooperation and more collaborative work between Canada and Indonesia in the face of global challenges affecting multiple sectors and countries.
Brief remarks were also given by the official from the Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Marie-Hélène Poisson, the Development Officer for the Indonesia Development Program. GAC has committed $15,000,000 in funding for the FINCAPES Project, and further information about the project can be found here.
The IPB delegation also visited Co-0perative Education, Velocity, Waterloo Climate Institute, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Aviation, the INTACT Center on Climate Adaptation, and the Water Institute to learn more about Waterloo’s various ventures in the climate adaptation and mitigation arena; and find synergies and potential opportunities for collaboration in other areas as well.