High-risk travel process

Lightning bolt infographic

Travel to destinations identified as Level 3 (Avoid all non-essential travel) or Level 4 (Avoid all travel) by the Government of Canada’s Travel Advice and Advisories – areas considered high-risk by the University of Waterloo – is not normally allowed. If you intend to travel to a Level 3 or Level 4 destination you must consult with your supervisor and receive approval from the Provost through the approval procedure for high-risk travel. 

To allow for sufficient time to gather, assess, and evaluate relevant information it is recommended that you request approval for high-risk travel several weeks or months in advance of travel dates where possible. Travel costs anticipated to be reimbursed using University administered funds must not to be incurred prior to travel being approved.

Documents required

The following documents must be submitted to safetyabroad@uwaterloo.ca when requesting travel approval to a high-risk destination:

1. An itinerary of the planned travel including:

  • dates of travel,
  • locations that will be travelled to,
  • activities undertaken while at the locations,
  • transportation methods taken and
  • accommodations.

2. A written statement from the traveller that addresses:

  • the importance/significance of the experience and/or the benefits to the University of Waterloo that will accrue through this travel (why it could not be achieved through other means),
  • the rationale for the travel to this particular location and why an alternative destination (with a Level 1 or Level 2 Government of Canada advisory level) could not be chosen and

  • previous experience at this destination and/or any other relevant travel experience.

3. For those in a faculty, a letter of support signed by both your Department Head/School Director and Faculty Dean and for those in an Academic Support Unit, a letter of support signed by both your Department Head and representative Executive Council Member, that addresses:

  • the importance/significance of the experience and/or the benefits to the University of Waterloo that will accrue through this travel (why it could not be achieved through other means),

  • the rationale for the travel to this particular location and why an alternative destination (with a Level 1 or Level 2 Government of Canada advisory level) could not be chosen and

  • why travel to this location is essential for the University of Waterloo's goals.

4. If applicable, a letter of invitation from the host institution, partner organization, etc.

High-risk approval process

Once the above items have been submitted, Safety Abroad will work to compile the information which will then be submitted for review by the Vice-President Academic and Provost. The Provost makes the ultimate decision regarding travel to high-risk destinations.

If the travel is approved by the Provost, Safety Abroad will develop a trip-specific Travel Safety and Security Plan. Depending on the destination and the nature of activities, this may be done in consultation with Legal and Immigration Services as appropriate and/or with the Anvil Group. The travel safety and security plan will include enhanced risk mitigation measures that the traveller must complete to minimize risk prior to, during and after travel. This may include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • co-completion of a Field Work Risk Management Plan with the traveller and their supervisor,
  • completion of the travel process (for Students, for Staff and Faculty) by the traveller,
  • review and sign off by the traveller of the Travel Safety and Security Plan indicating an understanding of, agreement to, and willingness to be bound by, the conditions and procedures outlined in the Travel Safety and Security Plan and
  • registration of the approved travel by the traveller with Waterloo International (Waterloo International will enroll the individual with the University’s travel safety and security provider, Anvil Group).

For questions regarding the high-risk travel approval process please contact safetyabroad@uwaterloo.ca.