Developing Online STEM Content

There are a variety of options for authoring STEM content. You probably already have materials you can use — you can post those for students. If you have the time or inclination to do something more, the following information may be valuable.  

For creating/posting text-based content that includes mathematical notation or chemical formulae, the following options are recommended:

  • MS Word/PowerPoint documents using the equation editor
    • MathType is an MS Office add-in (currently free) that provides a GUI to insert math and chemistry formulas in a more accessible way than the default equation editor. Instructions on installation and use can be found on the Michigan State University website.
    • If you are exporting your document as a PDF, it is recommended you make the original document available to students as a more accessible alternative.
  • Materials made via a LaTeX compiler
    • Documents can be created using a variety of methods, including Overleaf, a free online, University supported tool that allows for the creation of LaTeX PDFs and Beamer slides. Currently available to all faculty, staff, and graduate students
    • Free online introduction to LaTeX
  • HTML pages using LEARN/Möbius
    • LEARN and Möbius both include equation editors that allow for LaTeX, MathML, and GUI inputs within your HTML document
    • you can also create or upload pages with a call to MathJax from LEARN, which allows you to type mathematical LaTeX commands directly on your page
    • Note: HTML pages are generally the more accessible option versus PDFs or other types of documents

There may be times when you want to address bottleneck and/or difficult concepts that students struggle with and require additional narrated explanation that they would not get just from reading text.

  • For recommendations on creating asynchronous content, see the site hosted by the Digital Asset Group in the Faculty of Mathematics.
  • For recommendations on creating synchronous content, see the Tools for Online Teaching and Collaboration site hosted by the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF).
  • For assistance creating additional resources contact CEL's Agile Development team
  • Note: MP4 videos are not typically accessible. Some students may require an accessible alternative to learning material originally presented in a video.