Local Water Solutions in a Changing Climate is an interactive workshop to learn about the University of Waterloo’s latest cutting edge research addressing current and future water challenges in Ontario.
The workshop will include short presentations from leading scientists in each topic area followed by a self-guided tour of the almost 50 specific areas of research happening under the 5 major projects. The day will be designed as an engagement opportunity that aims to ensure the knowledge we are producing can be actively used to inform decision-making and help transform the way communities and governments prepare for and manage increasing water-related threats.
Projects featured at the workshop will include:
- Lake Futures: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Lakes and their Watersheds
- Agricultural Water Futures in Canada: Stressors and Solutions
- Winter Soil Processes in Transition
- Legacies of Agricultural Pollutants
- Reactive Interfaces in Agroecosystems
If you are interested in attending, please contact Maggie Norris.