Grand Expressions self-guided tour

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Grand Expressions is a remarkable collection of artwork by young Indigenous artists contributing to water research in the Grand River Watershed. In the exhibit, the youth – aged 10 to 26 – highlight water-related issues important to them and share traditional teachings using visual and written storytelling.

The exhibit was planned to travel across six locations in four cities, however, all venues are temporarily closed due to COVID-19.  Though saddened to cancel the in-person events and an opening reception in March, organizers are thrilled that the venues expressed interest in rescheduling Grand Expressions once they reopen, despite their existing exhibit schedules. 

Until the in-person venues re-open, exhibit organizer Elaine Ho, Lake Futures Ph.D. Candidate based in the Social and Ecological Sustainability and Collaborative Water Programs, based in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, has made the collection available online in a self-guided tour. Enjoy a preview of the artwork and learn more about the Grand-Erie Study that strives to propose a monitoring-management framework considerate of cumulative effects for the lower Grand River and nearshore Lake Erie. 

View the Grand Expressions self-guided tour here, or Facebook page for exhibit updates.

Samples of artwork included in the Grand Expressions self-guided tour
Plastic Beach by Steve Johnson

Listing Page Image: Energy Footprint by K.M.C. Miller
(LL) Samples of artwork included in the Grand Expressions self-guided tour, (LR) Plastic Beach by Steve Johnson