Current students and alumni connect at the MPS Fall Mixer

Friday, November 15, 2013
Story and photography by Kayla McKinnon, Class of 2012  
Class of 2014
On Friday, November 8th almost one hundred current students and alumni gathered in the Music Room of the University of Toronto’s Hart House for the annual MPS Mixer. 
Surrounded by modern artwork and beautiful architecture, students from the various program cohorts reconnected with classmates, networked with alumni and shared a toast to the program’s success over the last three years. 

director with class of 2015 students

“Now in its fourth year, the MPS program has a record of strong, positive performance,” says MPS Program Director, Dr. Henstra (pictured above with Class of 2015 students). “More than 75 percent of graduates have found relevant, full-time employment, and all students who began the program in 2012 have secured good co-op jobs.

MPSers are working in four provinces, at every level of government, as well as in the private and non-profit sectors. This is truly something to celebrate.”

For current students, the opportunity to network with others who have navigated the co-op process is an essential step in preparing for the next few months, which include co-op interviews. 
“Hearing all the co-op success stories [from current students and alumni] is both informative and a confidence booster given the competitive nature of the program,” said Emmanuel Dowuona, a current student and Vice President of the Master of Public Service Association. “I was even given a few business cards in case I have any future questions.”
MPS graduates are eager to stay connected to the program, and continue to be impressed by its growth over the years.
Stephanie and Matt, Class of 2012
“Seeing the sheer number of students in attendance makes me feel proud to see what the program has become,” says alumnus Stefanie Lake (MPS ’12 pictured right).  After two and a half years working in the Ontario government, Lake has observed the positive effects of networking with your peers, classmates and mentors. “Although MPS students work across different levels of government, the everyday challenges they face are the same. The more people you know, the more brains you have to pick!” 
Alana Del Greco (MPS ’13) also sees the importance of events like the mixer in the future. “These events provide an excellent opportunity to catch up, share experiences and bridge cohorts,” says Del Greco.  One way to continue the tradition of multi-cohort networking is the proposed establishment of an MPS Alumni Association. “Keeping all of us connected is just one of the things we hope to achieve with the MPS Alumni Association…details coming soon!”
The evening in photographs
Jen and Andrea, Class of 2013
Emmanuel and Vincent
Ikjot, Kate, Whitney
Raj, Sasha, Karan, Vino
Sasha, Emily, Amanda, Amanda
Khanh and Aishah
Amika, Dima, Daniel, Shikha, Amisha
Athar, Brittany, Karan, Amad
Kate, Kayla, Stephanie

Ramona, Hina, Sheldon

Thuwanika and Mythragi
Matt and Sheila
Julian and Alana
Henry, George, Ian, Amad, Kate
Ian, Matt, Stephanie
Daniel, Emmanuel, Ian, Julian, Colin, Vincent
Khanh, Aishah, Jon, Emily
Daniel, Sheila, Karan
Class of 2015
Nikki, Emmanuel, Hina
Satinder, Sinan, Amisha
Kayla and Matt
Rachel, Sheila
Thuwanika, Mythragi, Emmanuel, Brittany