Tuition and funding


MPS students can expect to pay approximately $22,500 in total tuition and fees over the 20-month program.

Tuition and fee due dates will be posted to your student account approximately 6 weeks before the start of term. You can either pay your balance in full or submit a promissory note if you will be paying all or part of your term balance after the deadline and have proof of incoming funding (e.g., OSAP).

Co-op income

MPS students will be able to offset tuition fees with earnings from their 8-month co-operative education work term. On average, students typically earn approximately $24,000 during their co-op placement.

Additional financial support

Incoming MPS students from Ontario may be eligible to apply for an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) loan, or other provincial government loans for out-of-province students. Full-time bursaries may also be awarded if financial need exceeds OSAP loan amounts. For more information about financial support, please connect with Student Awards and Financial Aid.

Note: MPS students are unable to take on TA/RA positions during the program.