Why did you choose Waterloo’s MPS program?
I chose to attend the MPS program at Waterloo as I saw it as a chance to not only grow academically, but also a chance to create positive changes through policy implementation. My initial goal was to become a social worker and create positive impacts in the community. It was not until a beloved professor and mentor of mine directed me to the MPS program, that my path shifted towards creating these changes through policy development. After researching the MPS program and the public service, I discovered that policy work is essential to impact change in our communities, and that this was my desired career path. Although I have a long way to go, for me the MPS program served as a starting point, which equipped me with knowledge, tools, and resources to be successful in my current and future career as a public servant.
Tell us about your current co-op position.
I am currently working as Junior Telecom Analyst for Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED). I am gaining a greater insight to the telecom sector, which I had known little about. It is an eye-opening experience into Canada’s relationship and involvement within this sector. So far, I am learning about the terminology and the technology involved and am getting an in-depth look into policy development for this sector.
How did the MPS program, including your co-op experiences prepare you for a career?
The concepts and subjects we studied, and projects completed during the MPS academic term are practical and incorporated into everyday tasks within my role. Skills learned from projects such as briefing notes, research papers, jurisdictional scans, cost benefit analysis, and multi-year planning process papers etc., give you an advantage over other co-op students because these skills are highly sought after in within the public service.
What are your favourite MPS moments?
My favourite MPS moments are those spent getting to know my peers and building legitimate friendships and connections with them. This is a program where you can make the most of everything being offered to you. There are may opportunities to network with your peers, get to know your professors, and meet influential figures in the public sector. Moreover, you have the chance be involved in important public initiatives and creative positive lasting impressions within your networks. Making the effort to reach out and accept offers to go out for lunch, dinner, and events really created a bond between the MPS network that benefits both yourself and your community; these relationships and genuinely caring for others, is what grows you into a successful public servant.
What has been your most interesting experience working in the public service?
The most interesting experience in working in the public service so far has been learning about a sector that I had no previous experience in. Specifically, the research I have been conducting and connecting it to my every day tasks make the work much more engaging and meaningful. Part of my research revolves around 5g, spectrum, telecom, hurricanes, and their effect on telecom, and so much more. This extensive research will prepare me with opportunities to work in various parts of the telecommunications sector. I especially enjoy working on larger projects and analysing issues from a macro level to see how my work will positively impact Canadians.
What advice do you have for someone interested in taking the MPS program?
Build those connections with your academic peers. It is so important to expand your network and create genuine relationships with the people you will be studying with, and eventually working alongside. I am on my second term of co-op, and already, I have helped my classmates acquire jobs. I can also confidently say that if I am looking for opportunities outside of the Federal government, my friends, and peers in the provincial or municipal level will have my back.
How has Covid impacted your current work?
Fortunately, Covid has not really impacted my work. Other than our shift to remote and hybrid work models and wearing masks around co-workers, and practising proper sanitation, it does not negatively impact my ability to execute my daily tasks and projects.